Time to say goodbye to Sgt. Pete
the final self-defense class with the legend
Hello fellow self-defense learners!
This week, on Thursday night at 7:00 pm, will be the final self-defense class with Sgt. Pete Fleck. (Cue mournful wailing.) Really, this man has contributed amazing things to our community, and we will be so sad to see him go!
If you wish to join us for his final class, come on Thursday, Dec 8, 7:00 - 8:15 pm to the Brownsburg Police Training Facility at 75 Whittington Dr., adjacent to the bowling alley behind Applebee’s. Unfortunately I will be out of town and cannot make it to this final class. I am sure that, as always, it will involve a lot of fun, so join in!
Moving Ahead…
So what is the future of self-defense in Brownsburg? Well I’m glad you asked! I just got off the phone with Josh O’Brien, with the Brownsburg Police Department, who is also the owner of Brownsburg Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. (Some of you may know him; he helped out one night at the first annual self-defense intensive back in 2020.) He has kindly agreed to open up his gym once a month to offer a drop-in self-defense class for women, for $10 per class, so that there are still opportunities to learn. Start date and exact times are still to be determined; he mentioned the possibility of a monthly Sunday afternoon class. His gym is located on south 267 near the new Dollar General store. Is there interest in this? Let me know! The more feedback I can give him from all of you, the quicker it can get started.
Of course Sgt. Pete’s replacement, Elsiana Crosby, is set to return from active military duty in late summer and will be available to resume BPD-offered free self-defense classes after that. So stay tuned about that. But yay for Josh O’Brien’s offer to hold a space for us who wish to continue in the meantime. So send me your feedback/input on if you would like to come to Josh’s class so that I can forward it onto him. Thanks!